Lecture on homes of Va.-born presidents

Author Heather Cole

Join us March 25 as author Heather S. Cole presents, “At Home with Virginia’s Presidents,” a talk about the eight Virginia-born presidents and the sites that shaped their lives. We will travel the state — from Staunton to Charles City and Wytheville to Winchester to (virtually) — to visit the homes and historic sites of the Virginia presidents.

Attendees will learn a bit about the presidents’ lives, take a peek inside their homes and get ideas for their next history road trip. This Kegley Lecture talk will be held at 7 pm at Christ Lutheran Church. Admission is $5/Free for HSWV members.

Copies of Cole’s book, “Virginia’s Presidents: A History & Guide,” is for sale in the gift shop of the Roanoke History/O. Winston Link Museum.



Board Member, Historical Society of Western Virginia Graduate: Hollins University, BA and MALS in English; Virginia Western Community College, AA in Business Administration Profession: Writer, editor