Photo classes great success; Watch for more!

The “Visual History – Then and Now” series of camera classes that ended June 24 at the O. Winston Link Museum and History Museum of Western Virginia were well received. And, we are grateful for such strong participation.
Participants had opportunities to capture historical photo sites the way they look now and received instruction on how to make properly exposed photos and how to use processing tools and techniques. A history talk accompanied each session, and evaluations indicate the combo of history and photography worked. Most of the credit for the success goes to the fine group of instructors from the Roanoke Camera Club, a co-sponsor of the classes. The instructors were:
- Tom Cerul has taught for the Rockbridge Camera Club, Exposure Roanoke, Smith Mountain Lake Photo Club and Salem Art Center.
- Wayne McKinney turned research for the 125th anniversary of the Norfolk Southern Roanoke Shops into a book, “Roanoke Locomotive Shops and The Norfolk & Western Railroad” (Charleston SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2014).
- Art Sellers is a past president of the Roanoke Camera Club and the Roanoke Area Advanced Photographic Arts Club and helped organize the 1,000-plus members of the Exposure Roanoke Camera Club.
- Bob Schwabik is an author of articles for “Photo Techniques Magazine.” His photos have been used by the U.S. Coast Guard for magazine content and the USCG Repair Yard’s Calendar. His website:
We hope to be able to announce more classes soon. If you have an interest in photography classes, please send a note to Lynsey Allie, Visitor Services, Historical Society of Western Virginia, at 540-982-5465 or Photos accompanying this were posted on the Class Meetup Site at Exposure Roanoke.
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