Paper Fan promos part of July 4, 1916, Celebration
The O. Winston Link Museum and History Museum is closed, but we wish all of our followers a safe and happy July 4, 2020. We celebrate the day with a posting from 2019, which looked at some July 4-related tidbits, from a parade in 1916 to a way-in-the future event involving a time capsule.
A paper fan in the museums’ collection promotes the July 4, 1916, Independence Day Parade in Roanoke and tells a story of the times. It is engraved: “Souvenir of ROANOKE’S PATRIOTIC PARADE, July 4, 1916, OUR COUNTRY FIRST.”
Advertisements are printed in red and blue on the left and right sides of the back of the fan. On the left side is printed:
- “W.E. Wolfenden Electric Co., EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL, We can save you money on ELECTRIC LIGHTING FIXTURES, 129 Campbell Ave., S.W., ROANOKE, VA.;
- “ACCEPT WITH COMPLIMENTS OF, Vest Furniture Co., PHONE 128, 109 Campbell Ave. W. ROANOKE, VA., CALL US”;
- “If you wish to appear well dressed, have your cleaning and pressing done at an up-to-date plant. We clean the most delicate fabrics and make them look as good as new. Ladies’ and Men’s Suits cleaned and pressed for $1.25. Ladies’ Fancy Dresses at reasonable prices. Your “Palm Beaches” should be cleaned by us to look right. Panama Hats cleaned and blocked $1.00. FRAZIER STEAM DYE WORKS, Inc., Under New Management, PHONE 661.”
On the right side of the fan is printed: “McGEE’S PHARMACY, The Never-Close Drug Store, 101 CAMPBELL AVENUE, WEST, We deliver Drugs and Medicines any where at any time, OPEN ALL NIGHT, Hot and Cold Lunches served at all hours. Meet your friends at our Fountain”;
- “Maddox & Jennings, MANUFACTURERS OF THE Celebrated “Pan Dandy” and “Top Notch” Bread, Also a full line of CAKES always on hand, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL”;
- “WE WASH EVERYTHING BUT THE BABY, Crystal Spring Laundry, PHONE 929.”
Zoo – July 4 Links

Children’s Zoo at Mill Mountain opened July 4, 1952. Contributions for the construction were made by Roanoke citizens, civic clubs, school children and the Junior Chamber of Commerce.
A Wildflower Garden on the zoo site contains a Bicentennial Time Capsule scheduled to be opened July 4, 2076.
The marker was placed at the site Dec. 21, 1976, by the Roanoke Valley Bicentennial Commission. BICENTENNIAL TIME CAPSULE, TO BE OPENED JULY 4, 2076, IN CELEBRATION OF THE NATION’S TRICENTENNIAL, ROANOKE VALLEY BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION, DECEMBER 21, 1976.
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