Edward Dudley, from Roanoke, was ambassador to Liberia

Historian Nelson Harris talks about the Star

Historian and author Nelson Harris offers several talks of little known bits of Roanoke history. They include: The achievement of African American Edward R. Dudley, who lived on Gilmer Avenue in Roanoke; Roanoke’s connection to the Manhattan Project during WWII! and What may or may not have happened during WWII to affect the Mill Mountain Star.

The Manhattan Project connection involved Roanoke company Virginia Bridge and Iron.  It’s also a fascinating insight into Oakridge, Tenn., installation.

Learn about Edward R. Dudley, ambassador to Liberia

Manhattan Project Connection:

Without the war, would we have the Star?

Story of Star


Board Member, Historical Society of Western Virginia Graduate: Hollins University, BA and MALS in English; Virginia Western Community College, AA in Business Administration Profession: Writer, editor